Invitation to WFF seminar certified Eurethics.
Published on 13/04/2017
Author: Fudokan
Dear karateka, karate and sport experts,
With greatest pleasure World Fudokan Federation and World Union of Karate Federations Training Academies are hereby inviting you to take your role in 4 day advanced training programme according to the European Qualification Framework (EQF), certified by EurEThICS and registered ETSIA. Facilitated by EurEThICS ETSIA President univ. Prof. Giovanni Gordiani, EurEThICS Academy Senators:
Ø univ. prof. Alina Crisan, Ph.D. (Romania)
Ø univ. prof. dr Ilija Jorga, Ph.D. (Serbia)
Ø univ. prof. dr Vladimir Jorga, Ph.D. (Serbia)
Ø univ. prof. Liviu Crisan, Ph.D. (Romania)
will deliver specialised lessons in tailored classes for top athletes, karate coaches, masters and judges, sport experts following a training needs assessment, focusing on aquired competences in the field of health enhancing physical activities, philosophy, sport medicine, ethics, psychology and pedagogy. After the seminar participants will acquire an EurEThICS Certificate of EUROPEAN EXPERT with certification of competences according to EQF, registered Education Through Sport Instructors Association.
Seminar will take place in Belgrade (Serbia) during the International Karate Cup Red Star and Balkan Championship, in the period May 10 – 14, 2017, at Sport Centar Sumice.
We are hereby inviting all interested participants to send their CV in EuroPass attached format to the following email:, for further determination of their training needs and verification of learning outcomes in compliance with European Qualification Framework. Following, all applicants will be contacted and informed about their EQF entry level of education they are qualified for, their training needs assessment (TNA) and detailed programme of education.
Seminar fees are:
– verification including TNA: 90,00 EUR
– validation and registration: 50,00 EUR
Using this opportunity for improvement of your knowledge, it is our goal for you to upgrade and raise the level of your expertise both in karate and other previous-mentioned fields. Therefore we are sincerely hoping for the greater number of registered participants and experts.
For any further information regarding training providers WFF and WUKF and certification system of EurEthics registration ETSIA please visit the following web presentations:
or follow the info on event FB page: link to be added