“The new way for karate”
We are pleased to inform you that on the initiative of some of the most respected people with a great karate history and associations of various countries has led to a new world organization of karate.
An organization created to promote a sincere karate, without any other interest. An organization with no political, non-profit, truly democratic and transparent to the service of the national federations members and especially based on large values: education, respect and great friendship. We will demonstrate with facts that this is possible, by building a new direction for karate !
Key feature is that there can be only one federation recognized in every country.
The foundation were elected the following organizations provisional (which, for democracy, will remain in office for only a few months until the first general meeting to be held in June 2013 at the 1st World Championship, where all the national federation members will be able to participate).
Provisional Board of Directors
President: Victor John Charles (England), Vice President: Daniele Lazzarini (Italy), Members: Gilles Willemin (Brasil), Giacomo Spartaco Bertoletti (Italy), Dusan Dacic (Serbia), Mihai Cioroianu (Romania) and Valeriy Kusiy (Ukraine)
Provisional Tehnical Committee
Lesly Safar (Hungary), Ljubo Javorsek (Slovenia), Abdu Shaher (England), Stefano Maria Pucci (Italy) and Stanislav Rakovic (Serbia)
Provisional Referee Committee
Vitaliano Morandi (Italy), Nicolae Iordachescu (Romania)
Founders: Karate England (England), Confederacao Nacional Esportiva de Karate Interstilos (Brasil), Federazione Italiana Karate (Italy), Jundokan Federation (Ukraine), Azerbaijan Karate do Federation (Azerbaijan), American Jka (Hungary), Serbish Karate Union (Serbia), Taketomi Kai (Switzerland), Shotokan Ryu Deutschland (Germany), Karate Zveza Wksa (Slovenija), Eurska (Romania), Sennshin Kai Karate Savez (Montenegro).
Stay tuned for the upcoming events, new website and other information.
Let’s build a new way of Karate with “International Karate Union”…
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